Music in Motion showcases Lori’s versatility as a classical and jazz pianist and arranger, her ability to deliver her clever and poignant original songs, and her passion for educating and entertaining audiences. She dissects a Beethoven sonata with the zeal and erudition of Leonard Bernstein, her childhood hero, so that audiences are primed to appreciate it more deeply whether it's their first or hundredth hearing. Her comedic timing is marvelous, whether singing an original song about a disastrous mixed marriage or the invasion of one's suitcase by an over eager TSA agent, or simply joking with her audiences with a bit of improv. Invariably, audiences leave her shows uplifted and moved.
“You were amazing! I loved ‘Tea for Two’ and the opening number was so clever. And ‘Montana’ is a gorgeous song and you sang it beautifully.”
“When word circulates that Lori is coming to perform, our community is abuzz with excitement. She’s absolutely a favorite here.”
“Thanks so much for the laughs. We should give you a column!”